Let’s do this!
Sept 26th - 28th, 2025
To make the registration process as easy as possible, you will be directed to our secure RunSignUp registration page. Here, you will be asked to fill out all the necessary information (most importantly your t-shirt size!) to confirm registration in The Burn 2025.
You will receive an electronic receipt and email confirmation once registration is complete.
Not to worry.
Your information is safe with us.
Looking forward to seeing you in Lexington, KY!
How do I register during the Priority Registration period?
If you have Priority registration status, You have already been added to the approved Priority Registration list, and registration is easy.
1. On January 9th at 9am ET: Click here to register!
2. Complete the 2025 registration process.
3. You’re all set.
Please note:
You can ONLY register during the Priority Registration period by using the same name and email combo that you used when registering for your previous Burn.
If you’ve forgotten which email address you used in the past, follow these steps to confirm:
1. Logon to your account at RunSignUp.com
2. Navigate to "Past Events"
3. Click "Bourbon Burn"
4. Click "View Registration" to confirm your personal information
If your email address has changed, please contact us, as soon as possible so that we can update it in our system prior to the opening of Priority Registration. You may contact us at info@bourboncountryburn.com.
How can I register my buddies (up to ten!) who aren't Priority Registrants during this exclusive period?
You must sign-up your buddies while you are registering yourself for The Burn. You cannot register yourself and then return later and add your buddies.
Helpful Tip For Adding on Buddies? Be sure to gather your buddies’ info prior to beginning the registration process.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1. Name
2. DOB
3. Phone #
4. Address
5. T-shirt size
6. Emergency Contact Name
7. Emergency Contact Phone
8. Distance planning to ride each day (Casual, Short, Medium, Long, Century)
Here’s how it works:
2. Choose your event (3-days or 2-days)
3. Enter your basic info on page 1
4. At the bottom of page 1, click Add Another Registrant
5. Enter their basic info
6. Repeat for each buddy
7. Click continue to finish registering.
8. In the final step, before payment, you will again have the option to add a buddy, in case you forgot a buddy or have one of those buddies who always wait till the last minute.